Correctly Setting Up Google Analytics in WordPress

Setting up Google Analytics on a WordPress site is easy but care has to be taken to do it correctly.

1. Create the Account in Google Analytics

Go to
Create a new account.

When filling in the details pay special attention to whether your site is http or https and if you are using www or non-www.
There is a big difference between and or any of the other combinations. Be consistent!

2. Create a Google Search Console Account

Technically this is a separate Google tool but it is such a key one and really should be created AND linked to the Google Analytics account so they share data.

Go to and add the EXACT URL
e.g. https or http and www or non-www

If you have another user that should be on this Search Console account you can add them as a Verified User at this time.

3. Configure Google Analytics

In the admin PROPERTY Section

In the admin VIEW Section

4. Install a Google Analytics Plugin on WordPress

We prefer to use a plugin to handle the GA script being added to the site rather than pasting the full code in somewhere. Why?

Our preferred plugin is Google Analytics by MonsterInsights


5. Configure the Google Analytics Plugin

In the Google Analytics PROPERTY section copy the Tracking ID, it should look something like: UA-16657327-1

Paste this into the right location in your plugin or “Authenticate with Google”
Note: we exclude certain user levels from tracking as well as tracking outbound clicks.

On the “Universal” tab make sure “Enable Universal tracking” and “Enhanced Link Attribution” are checked.




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